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Gyrokinesis® classes can be adapted to fit anyone's ability. People from all walks of life take Gyrokinesis® classes, including accomplished athletes, fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, and people recovering from an injury or dealing with a disability. 


The Gyrokinesis® Method is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. It is an original and unique method, which coordinates movement, breath and mental focus.

The Gyrokinesis® Method is practiced on a mat and chair, without equipment. Without the feedback and guidance of equipment, participants in a Gyrokinesis® class are more dependent on their own proprioception to explore movement sequences.

By the end of a Gyrokinesis® session, one's entire system is awakened and brought into greater balance. Focus on the breath stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, resulting in a sense of calm, well being and mental clarity.

If you have any questions please feel free to read our FAQ's or get in touch  and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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